Murff named 2020 Indiana Elementary Principal of the Year


staff report

The Indiana Association of School Principals (IASP) has named Dr. Dennisha Murff the 2020 Indiana Elementary School Principal of the Year. Dr. Murff is principal of Westlake Elementary in the MSD of Wayne Township.

Dr. Murff was recognized at a ceremony on November 22, which was part of the IASP’s annual fall professional conference. The ceremony was hosted by IASP State President Eric Gilpin and the organization’s executive director, Dr. Todd Bess.

District Elementary School Principals of the Year are elected by their peers. One principal is honored by each of the association’s 12 districts. From these 12 elementary school principal winners, Dr. Murff was chosen as the 2020 Indiana Elementary School Principal of the Year. She will represent Indiana at the National Association of Elementary School Principals’ National Distinguished Principal Recognition Program in the fall of 2021.

The Indiana Association of School Principals is a non-profit professional organization serving more than 3,200 building-level administrators in the state of Indiana.