Post-prom performers



  1. DeMarco McInytre // A recording artist from Ben Davis who has his eyes on the big leagues. McIntyre’s goal is to be signed by Def Jam Records, and to meet some of his favorite rappers. He kicks off post-prom with a 12:00AM set.

  1. Royal // Ben Davis student and rapper Aaron Smith caught the eye of prom planners during one of his recent performances. Smith has been performing for five years, and is booked for a 1:00AM-1:30 slot at post-prom.

  1. Parish // Performing as a two-person duo featuring Larry Parish and Tim Russell, Parish is a metal band that pulls inspiration from Led Zeppelin all the way to Slipknot. Parish has played scattered shows around Indiana, and has plans to record and release their debut album late-2014. Playing at 1:30AM.