How has society changed due to Covid-19

We don’t realize what we have until it’s gone

Lexie Bordenkecher, Entertainment editor

There hasn’t been a single day where absolutely no one complained about having to go to school or work. Now, since we can’t go to school and some people can’t go to work, we miss it.

Unfortunately, many adults are being laid off or furloughed from their jobs as well, with an estimated 26 million people nationwde filing for unemployment.

We aren’t used to being at home all day, every day. Many teenagers are posting their daily screen time on social media because it’s insanely high. However, some students aren’t finding this as amusing.

The Class of 2020 had their senior year cut short. Senior spring athletes didn’t get to finish, or even start, their senior seasons. They won’t get a traditional prom, last day of school, senior skip days, senior pranks, and maybe even graduation.

As if that isn’t bad enough, they can’t see their friends or participate in out of school activities. Colleges might not even start on time in the fall. We all feel for our seniors, and we’re hoping that life gets back on track for everyone soon.