It is almost finals week

How to deal with the stress of tests

Luis Ramos, staff writer

  • Schedule your time to focus on studying

Sit down and write out a schedule (or do it in Google Calendar). Plan out every hour of every day for the next week or two. Then hold yourself to it.

When studying set specific goals for each study session throughout the day, too. For example, “Tuesday morning review Chapters 14, 15 and 16, write summaries of these chapters, and finish re-reading class notes covering the material.”

  • Don’t blow off sleep

Sleep is the body’s and brain’s way of re-energizing itself. Your brain cells renew and studies show that people who don’t get enough sleep do worse on memory tasks. All of this points to the downside of the all-nighter.

If you feel like you just have to do it, try not to do it more than once. Chances are, whatever you’re cramming for overnight is going to compete with your brain’s fatigue by staying up all night. Spend more time studying during the day and an all-nighter won’t be necessary.

  • Shut down social networking and gaming
    Your computer or smartphone during finals week is likely going to be the biggest distraction. We don’t multitask as well as we think we do, especially when it comes time to learn new material.

If you must absolutely must check in with Instagram or Twitter, schedule the time to do so and only check in with those services when the schedule tells you to, don’t spend too much time checking it.

  • Don’t blow off eating
    Our brain needs sleep our brain also needs energy in order to work. Food is how we get energy, so although we may think we’re doing a good thing by blowing off breakfast, lunch,and dinner we’re actually hurting yourself.
  • Try rewriting or summarizing your notes & chapters
    Everyone has their own study methods re-reading textbook chapters, taking practice quizzes, re-reading someones class notes. But here’s something you should try if you haven’t yet tried rewriting or summarizing both your own classroom notes and the textbook chapters.

Research has shown that this method helps you to better learn the subject matter. It can also help you synthesize the main themes of the chapter or class. It may seem time-consuming or even pointless, but it’s a simple method that you can put to the test to see if it helps you.

  • Don’t forget time for yourself
    While sleeping and eating are important, as is spending a little time connecting with your friends, you should also schedule something that will act as a reward and goal that will help keep you motivated throughout the day.

Whether it’s going for a jog, meeting up with friends for dinner, or just watching your favorite TV show, don’t forget to take a break. Schedule them in and if you’ve hit your goals for that day, go and have some fun. Research has shown that by setting small goals we can attain, and giving ourselves small rewards when we attain them, we’re more likely to be successful.