Claxon enjoys her time in ENL


Johanna Lobos and Angel Huerta

The ENL Program is for new English learners that come from many different countries.

Ben Davis was not only interested in the program itself, but what the program had to offer. Enid Claxon, one of the ENL teachers, says the program is close to home for her.

Claxon has two English-learner children. She enjoyed the experience and realized that having English skills is something important for everyday life, not just to read but to communicate with people and get future jobs.

Claxon even mentioned how stressful and difficult it could be but she enjoys the progress she sees once a student gets better at something they couldn’t do before. Whether it was being shy or not being able to say a single word she always encouraged and praised them for the little progress they had. This for her makes her teaching career in the ENL program worth it.

This program for her represents far more than the English language. She tries to give them a voice, and empathize with them. Since her students are level one they are either brand new immigrants or were born here, moved away, and came back. The students take a WIDA assessment to determine the level they’re on.

The WIDA assessment determines their listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. A lot of things can determine the way of learning for these students. For instance, students who have never been to school have to learn how to school before learning anything. Students who have learned in an academic setting will learn a lot faster compared to students who have never been in a school setting. Ben Davis students asked Ms. Claxon what her experience with the program was.

 ENL teacher MS.Claxon said, “We’re working with a population that can be marginalized in general by society.”

She claims that we are all on this journey together. The main goal in her class is for students to know that she sees not just them for themselves, but their journey here as well. English can often be a backseat for students since they come from such difficult backgrounds.

Claxon wants to meet students where they are, and creating a safe environment for her students is far more important to her than the actual language prospect of this program. Working with students from so many different places like Central America, South America, Canada, Congo, Tensinea, Kenya, etc., she interacts with many different cultures daily. 

Ms. Claxon refers to it as “ A little glimpse of heaven.”

 When she sees students advancing she says it can be very exciting, she wants to provide support since she knows from experience that advancing can be very difficult for many people. So she praises the little milestones students go through, like saying hello for the first time. This program will provide so much for our future generation of English speakers. 

Ms. Claxon says, “Our community as a whole is very diverse, and the more empowered and educated and seen we are as people can only improve our future.”