Tennis team wins opener
After heavy graduation losses, team looks to rebound
Jalen Simmons in action against Pike Monday night. The boys won the season opener 4-1 and host Whiteland on Wednesday.
The boys tennis team is starting off fresh with six out its seven seniors taking the road to college and leaving varsity with a new look.
“We had six seniors on last year’s 15-9 sectional championship team, so will be replacing six of the seven positions on varsity,” coach Kevin Vanderbush said. “Fortunately many of our opponents lost two-six of their players due to graduation also.
“Although it is too early to know for sure how we will stack up against our sectional opponent teams, based on last year’s results, we should have the chance to compete for another sectional championship.”
The Giants have won 22 sectionals including the last two years. Vanderbush hopes to add a third straight title.
“Although the main focus is to improve daily and become the best tennis players we are capable of developing into, I think that we should also be able to achieve double digit wins and finish with a winning record,” Vanderbush said.
Through all this the tennis team will keep working hard with its two new exchange students, the first is Lucas Figueirido from Brazil and Jacob Kmosko from Slovakia. With all the new team members, the team had its first scrimmage with Covenant Christian High School going 5-0 for varsity.
Another positive note is a 4-1 win over Pike in Monday’s season opener. The boys next host Whiteland on Wednesday.

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