Remote or not, it’s still learning

Time to prove we are still Giants

Staff report

Covid-19 is not something we will remember fondly.

Not only has it disrupted the last three months of high school experiences for the Class of 2020, but it has thrown a huge curve ball to education as a whole.

For the next two months we have a chance to prove we can overcome all obstacles. Students, teachers and parents are being asked to do things they have never done before. Students will need online access until the end of May and they will need to spend three days a week for the next six weeks working from home.

Teachers have to create meaningful content to an audience they cannot see. Parents are being asked to step in and help their children while still maintaining a house or job. This is new territory for us all.

This is our challenge to fellow Giants — do your best, communicate often with your teachers, ask for help when you need it (counselors and administrators still check their emails), be patient, but most all — try.

These are a challenging two months but we have to push through and live the motto “There’s a reason they call us Giants.”

Now is the time to back that up.