Suicide awareness is important

STAMP helps bring the issue to students

Did you know, suicide is the third leading cause of death in the United States within the ages of 10 to 24? Over 14 percent of teens have considered suicide and nearly eight percent have actually attempted, causing almost 4,400 deaths in America according to United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Though many people have heard of the word and causes , not many really understand what “suicide” truly is or the effects it can have on not only one individual but an entire community.

The loss of one single individual has the potential  of lighting a spark in a home, a school or even throughout an entire township.  Losing a brother, sister, neighbor or classmate  can emotionally damage someone for a very long time, once someone has passed away due to the cruel and  violent effects of bullying that leads to suicide; family and friends are left with the questions of “Why?” or “What could I have done to help?”

That’s where you come in.

As a member of the Wayne Township community or any community across the globe it is our job to take every precaution towards bettering the lives of those who surround us. Remember the “nerdy boy”  that got knocked down in the hallway? Or maybe the new girl who tries to fit in with the “cool girls” but instead was ignored and  forced to eat alone at lunch?

All it could take is for you to reach out one time . One small conversations, one invitation to sit with you and your friends at lunch could help create the better mindset and sense of belonging for a fellow student in need.

We have clubs and associations that were formed to be available for students in need. These groups help teens and parents gain awareness and cope with the causes of suicide. One of our most known groups at Ben Davis is called “S.T.A.M.P.” These acronyms stand for Stand Tall and Make Peace, and the mission of S.T.A.M.P. members is to raise awareness of bullying and the effects it has on high school students, and take steps the stop bullying.

S.T.A.M.P. is ran by business teacher, Lisa Bugay. In a recent interview with Bugay we got her personal intake on bullying and how we can take steps towards bettering not only our school but our community.

“Bullying is becoming a household topic which means people are beginning to be aware of what bullying really is,“ Bugay said. Five years ago bullying was not a topic of conversation at anyones dinner table.”

When asked what Bugay’s opinion was on what Ben Davis’ staff and administration could do to help the victims of bullying her reply was, “Once they are made aware of a situation students and teachers must report it to the proper authority.”

Below is a list of clubs and associations that can be joined to help gain awareness and for students in need of counseling who have been victims of bullying or have lost a loved one to suicide: