Could the vatican be evolving?

Pope Francis could bring big changes to the Catholic Church

When talking about Catholic teachings, evolution is not usually something that comes to mind. However, the newest Pope may be bringing a social revolution to Vatican City.

When Jorge Mario Bergoglio, commonly known as Pope Francis, was elected as Pope in March of this year, history was made. Not only is he the only Pope to hail from the southern hemisphere, but he is also the first Pope to be a Jesuit, belonging to the “Society of Jesus.”

But these differences aren’t the ones making the headlines. Pope Francis is arguably the most progressive Pope that the Vatican has ever seen. This change has Catholics around the world divided.

Some support him and the ideas that he stands for. Others strongly disagree with his stances and fear that these “radical ideas” could threaten the stability of the Church.

So, what controversial stances does Pope Francis hold?

For one, Pope Francis has been open about his beliefs on capitalism.

“This is not just a problem of Sardinia; it is not just a problem of Italy or of some countries in Europe,” he said. “It is the consequence of a global choice, an economic system which leads to this tragedy; an economic system which has at its center an idol called money.” Pope Francis said.

Secondly, Pope Francis called on the church to reform its views on several issues that it has put a huge emphasis on family values. For years, the church has shined a light on topics such as same-sex marriage, making it clear that they are in strong opposition of it. But the new Pope doesn’t seem to be playing to the same tune.

“A person once asked me, in a provocative manner, if I approved of homosexuality. I replied with another question: ‘Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?’”  the Pope said in an interview with John Zuhlsdorf.


Essentially, the new Pope is simply promoting equality and compassion, a move that should not be controversial. However, the Catholic Church, along with almost any religious institution, has not had a major change to its policies or practices in a very long time.

The changes that Pope Francis is expected to bring to the Vatican are long overdue. In order to alive in this ever-changing world, everything must adapt. This new Pope may be exactly what the Catholic Church needs to carry them into the 21st century.

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