Jackson has voice for teens

Kelsi Edwards, staff writer

Tiffany D. Jackson is a black author from Brooklyn. She is also a best-selling author and a previous Rosie winner.

Even though she is an author now, she originally went to Howard University, where she pursued a degree in film and television.

Jackson worked for National Geographic and BET and worked with lots of known artists like Jay Z. One of her favorite authors is R.L Stine, another suspense author. Her book Mondays Not Coming is deemed controversial with adults, but a fan favorite with teens, her “target audience” according to her.

Anyone who has ever read one of her books knows it is always filled with many twists and turns. 

“My books always have plot twists at the end because I want people to remember them,” Jackson has said about her work.

Jackson wants her readers to think critically in everyday life. She makes all her stories with life messages in them, so that we may take a deeper look into what we think we know.