Family ties
Calabro uses west side heritage to excel in broadcasting
Dave Calabro, a sportscaster for Channel 13, graduated from Ben Davis in 1981. He comes from a deep family connection to Wayne Township; his father has served as school board president and his brother Kevin also has excelled as a sports broadcaster.
Dave has won many awards for his work. His journalism career began here at Ben Davis and he has spent many evenings covering Ben Davis events.
Calabro answers a few questions about his time at BD.
Q: What extra-curricular activities were you involved in?
I was class president for 3 years…student council member….Baseball…Tennis (we won the first ever Regional Title in Tennis)
Q: What was your favorite high school hang out?
Noble Romans at 10th and Girls School…and Chapel Hill park.
Q: Briefly explain your career path after high school.
I went to Butler University and got a degree in Broadcasting/journalism and I have spent tha past 22 years at channel 13
Q: What do you like best about your job?
Every day is a challenge. Every day is different. I meet some incredible people and get to do some neat things.
Q: What is your favorite sports memory of all the events you have covered?
I have covered six Olympic games all over the world, from Russia to London and Italy. I have covered seven or eight uper Bowls.
I have interviewed three US Presidents and so many famous sports figures. It is impossible to pick just one memory.
Q: How do you like covering Ben Davis games when you get the chance?
It is always fun to come home. I love the westside…I am proud to be a BD Giant.
Q: What type of impact did Ben Davis have on your life?
Ben Davis is where my ‘dreams’ hatched. I loved working on WBDG. I felt like the teachers really cared about me. The teachers guided me but also let me make mistakes and grow. I hope other BD students discover their passion and go for it. Set those dreams high and then you have to WORK and WORK to get there. I learned my work ethic in Chapel Hill from my parents and then BD helped me chase it.