Creating Keyhole
How Ben Davis students produce the yearbook and where to buy it
Eighty-one years ago the Ben Davis student publications department released the first Keyhole yearbook. Today, students continue the tradition of creating a quality chronicle of each year’s events.
Keyhole’s theme for the 2013-2014 year is Tempus, the Latin word for time. This idea sprang from the changes Wayne Township experienced this year, most notably alterations to each school’s bell schedule. The yearbook staff works daily to bring the concept of transformation to life through a variety of spreads covering every aspect of Ben Davis.
“Everything gets a spread: every sport, every club, every activity,” senior co-editor Sydney Johnson said. “We assign one or two people to each spread and give them a deadline of a couple months. Then they submit their spreads for the editors to look over.”
Producing a finished product takes a year, but the yearbook members’ anticipation grows over the wait.
“When you see the book it’s really satisfying because the excitement has been building up,” senior co-editor Danielle Wilson said.
Throughout the process, students take charge in creating Keyhole, and publications teacher Tom Hayes merely assists his pupils as they plan and piece together the yearbook.
“I help the editors figure out the overall design and no pages are submitted without final review from me, but it’s mostly up to them,” Hayes said.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to sign up for yearbook class and become a part of the dedicated and fun-loving team that documents a year in the lives of hundreds of high school students. But even those who choose not to participate in the production of Keyhole affect the publication simply by attending Ben Davis.
“We write the yearbook, but the kids create it. Without them, there is no story to tell,” Wilson said.
Students who want a tangible object to help remember that story can purchase a yearbook at or by talking to Hayes in room X109. Prices start at $75 until February 1, so place an order now and do not allow precious high school memories to slip away.

I'm Emily Rasmussen, and I'm a senior and editor-in-chief of Spotlight. I'm also a few other things, including a reader who can fall in love with any...
Miranda wright • May 15, 2016 at 11:10 AM
How do I buy a year book? And how much are they?