Dare to be Challenged

Ben Davis teachers share popular trends during their high school experience

We are all familiar with the popular and silly trends that go viral within hours on the internet. To overcome dealing with boredom many teens opt to trying different challenges, some of which come with danger.


The Cinnamon Challenge: “The goal of the challenge is trying to swallow a spoonful of cinnamon in 60 seconds without drinking water. The task is not easy, because the spice in large quantities triggers a gag reflex,” the NYTimes reported.


The Milk Gallon Challenge:  The challenger has to drink a gallon of milk in an hour, and then hold it down for another hour without vomiting.


The Selfie Game: The game involves snapping a picture of you in the most daring situation and uploading it onto the internet.


The viral videos crowding the internet made me ponder whether or not our own Ben Davis teachers participated in taboo activities when they were in high school.

“Kids would do the saltine challenge. You would try to eat 6 saltine crackers in a minute. It trended by word of mouth or if you tried it or not,” math teacher Dustin Shannon said.


“Everyone got excited about what new ESPRIT bag there was. Everyone at school had one. Kids also used to personalize their license plates–well it was free.” art teacher Allison Kegley said.


“There wasn’t anything that trended as fast as it does now. People used to wear T-shirts and go to concerts—but nothing as fast trending like now—there just wasn’t that type of technology,” English teacher Dan Wells said.


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