Read all about it

Appreciation towards literature can bring you unexpected pleasure

In between school work, part-time jobs, social life and even time devoted to surfing the web diving into a good book can appear to be impossible. Nonetheless, once you are able to push those and perhaps many other excuses aside reading will open your eyes to new ideas and the world.

Yes, Google’s impressive .79 second web search capabilities may seem a lot more convenient than scanning the library for 30 minutes or so just to find out when Albert Einstein was born. However, when we deprive our brains from the actual act of reading to find information or simply information we are depriving ourselves of the knowledge that can be attained through reading.

Like many things in life you never know something until you actually try it. Before you jump to conclusions that reading is boring, why not take a closer look at the advantages of reading.

Reading helps people of any age develop their vocabulary skills and awareness of the world. When you dive into a book not only do you lose track of time as you are ferociously engaged by the words flowing from page to page that create an escape from our present world, but you also become less ignorant of the problems in society. Ignorance is not necessarily a bad thing, but rather the simple fact of not knowing about a particular topic. Reading can help you become more aware of the world by provoking critical thinking and analytical thought processes.

Before I start sounding like your typical English teacher let me first excite you about the reading wonders that are highly anticipated this summer. Like with many novel series such as The Hunger Games, Divergent and the classic Harry Potter, to name a few, film adaptations of novels has become an increasingly popular trend.

If reading alone does not make you feel ecstatic about picking up a book then perhaps book-to-film adaptations will do the trick. Of course I urge you to read the novel prior to watching the movie.

One of the best-selling novels of this year is undeniably The Fault in Our Stars by local Indianapolis author which will be released in theaters on June 06, 2014.

The book The Giver by Louis Lowry will be hitting the big screens on August 15, 2014 which about a boy name Jonas and his struggle to live by the laws of a dystopian society.

Other film adaptations to look out for include Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James which is a tale of erotic exploits and romantic intrigue which premiers February 13, 2015 according to The Christian Science Monitor.

For those already fans of the Divergent series comes Insurgent by author Veronica Roth which will premier March 20, 2015.

It is the time that you stop wasting hours reading social networks’ statuses bombarded with improper English and instead enjoy a good read and visit the movie theater with your friends this summer.

There is a plethora of reasons to read, one of which starts with the simple fact that it is fun once you learn to appreciate its advantageous. Do not linger around any longer and instead start exploring the world outside of technology by beginning with a good book in hands.

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