‘You have an obligation to join the political process’
Carson encourages students to voice their opinions on issues in Indiana
On Monday morning, Congressman Andre Carson sat down for a Question and Answer session with students in our theatre.
The Q&A was led by Wayne Township superintendent Dr. Jeff Butts and it gave students an opportunity to voice their opinions on the issues in our state. Students were able to use the #RockTheWayneVote to ask questions via twitter, but were also allowed to ask and give their comments in the discussions that arose.
What students enjoyed most about this event was that all the topics that Carson spoke about were things that Ben Davis students wanted answers too. Questions about minimum wage, free community college, immigration laws, standardize testing, taxes and even Carson’s trip in Air Force One were answered.
He gave students the information that they wanted and didn’t hesitate to answer them. Carson also even asked to hear the opinions of the students on a variety of issues and listened with an open ear. If there were questions that he didn’t have an answer too, he let them know that these are the debate that congress is having and that’s why it’s important to vote if we want our voices to be heard.
“You have an obligation to join the political process,” Carson said.
Carson represents the seventh district of Indiana in Congress. Indiana had the worst turn out for voting last year and he encouraged students strongly to register to vote if they are 18.
He loved hearing all their comments and questions but the way to voice them even louder is to vote. He explained how the power of the people and leaders like Martin Luther King led the way to equality for voting and brought national attention to one America’s biggest flaw. That goes to show how the power of the people can always lead to a change in making our country better.
“With a country filled with diversity, it’s important for congress to reflect that as well,” Carson said.
He brought attention to the fact that this is the first time in history where there are the most women, the most Latinos, the most Asians, the most African Americans, and the most religions sitting in congress. It is so important that America’s diversity is represented in Congress.
Carson enjoys the direct and raw questions that students ask and wants them to voice them through voting. He also encourages students to follow their passion. He explains that there will always be a voice inside your head that knows what you want so follow your heart. He will continue to inspire people to vote.
I’m a senior. This is my third year on staff and I really love it. I’m a soft spoken person. I love music and tattoos. I come from a Mexican/Honduran...