Students adjust to being at home

There can be positives of the quarantine if you look for them

Josue Garcia, Staff writer

Since the start of having to be in quarantine, many students have had to adapt to a lifestyle that they never had to live. Many probably thought it would be a temporary thing and that it would just pass.

But as we all know, this has not been the case. Students now have to figure out ways to stay busy at home in order to pass time and not feel like they are trapped in their homes. They are trying any way to not feel bored at home and to make the days not feel long. 

Many students have started watching new television shows or watched whole series of movies like all of the Marvel movies. Some have also invested in themselves either by exercising daily or trying to pursue a new skill. 

That is the case with senior Jose Guzman. Guzman is attending college to play baseball, and instead of wasting time during quarantine he has not let this stop him from improving on his skills.

“I want to improve on my throwing arm, so I practice drills three times a day to get stronger,”  Guzman said.

Even though it may be easy to not do anything during quarantine there are students who are taking advantage of this time and working on themselves.  

Even though these changes since quarantine began can be seen in a negative light, there are still many positives. This is the perfect time to bond with your family at home. 

Since you are home all day, you are being surrounded by your family members and this allows you to spend quality time and bond with them. 

“Many families go days without speaking either because they are too busy or simply one is too stressed, and now that we are in quarantine they have that time to be together,” senior Javier Posada said.

This is a prime example of how being in quarantine can be positive.

Having to start a new way of living may not be easy especially for teenagers. Even though it forces us to have a different routine it can still be a good thing. Now we have the chance to do things that we never had the time to do before. There are many positives from this and we have to take advantage of them.