On December 8th, 2018 the book “Five Feet Apart” became A New York Times Bestseller. This book caught many readers attention and was very popular in 2018-2019. It was then turned into a motion picture movie.
The book starts off by introducing 17-year-old Stella Grant. She is a senior in high school who suffers from Cystic Fibrosis (CF). CF is a disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs, and other areas of the body. It is one of the most common chronic lung diseases in children and young adults.
While in the hospital because of a cold, she misses her senior Cabo trip and it feels like this sickness is always taking over her life. The “same old same old”. Until she sees a dark haired blue eyed mysterious man. A new patient. She had been going to this hospital for years. Her in and out lungs have kept her in the hospital most of her life. However, her new lung transplant is finally coming into play. So she focuses on taking all her meds, doing her Afflovest, and absolutely staying away from anything that can jeopardize her lung transplant.
Now the new CF patient, 17 year old Will Newman, is nothing but out of control and doesn’t care about his health. As the book goes on Will and Stella become closer. Stella is a control freak and Will went completely commando on his medicine regimen. She eventually helps and gets in control of his regimen.
When it comes to CF patients around each other, they must stay six feet apart. Stella has followed this rule of safety her whole life. As the feelings for Will grows, the six feet rule starts to feel more like punishment rather than safety.
This six feet punishment starts to make Stella more and more rebellious. All she wants is to be able to hug, touch, or even dance with Will. Will is exactly what Stella doesn’t need but when they’re living against the clock, can they steal a little time back that their lungs stole from them?
Now you have the rundown of the book, although I left out many twists. I absolutely loved this book and loved the movie as well.
The emotions you feel when reading this book is literally an emotional rollercoaster. This story follows friendships and suffering, love and agony as well as the cruelty of a disease. I would suggest everyone to read this book.
It is one of the most heart touching books I’ve read in my life. A perfect combination of love, friendship, struggles and ”A lesson to how to live life in full bloom.” It has the power to not let you keep it aside even for a moment.