This week is an important week because this Saturday the annual Riley Dance Marathon is happening.
You may have heard of it through the announcements , teachers, and even other students, but if you still don’t know Riley Dance Marathon is a fundraiser that helps all the kids at the Riley Childrens Hospital.
The person who runs this generous fundraiser s is Natilie Offen, who also happens to be a math teacher here at Ben Davis.
“I used to be a Key Club sponsor and the idea was presented to us so we decided to start it, but the real reason I was passionate about it was because I used to be treated at Riley hospital, so these two things made me want to start it,” Offen said of why she got involved.
The marathon is 5-9 p.m. this Saturday in the MPA.
“The amazing things that Riley hospital does and all the hard work that our students put forth to help this cause is wonderful,” Offen said.
Offen hopes to raise at least $6,000.