She’s finally a princess

Brown ends her theatre career with dream role

Senior Megan Brown will be in her 14th theatrical performance at Ben Davis this weekend. Here she plays in Phantom of the Opera in October.

Lora Dew, staff writer

Throughout her high school acting career, senior Megan Brown always dreamed of being a princess.

In her 14th and final performance as a Giant, Brown finally gets her chance. She will be one of two students playing Rapunzel this weekend in the theatre.

“When I was younger I was in show choir and that passion slowly kind of diminished and even though I still like to sing I decided to try acting,” Brown said. “From the first time walking into that huge theater and seeing that big stage I knew I would love it.

“I remember auditioning for the first play and being so nervous and not doing very well. But it only got better from then on, it helped that I also took acting classes here with Mr. Owens and he taught me a lot.”

She also got better and more confident with her performances from the help of her peers. She stated that most of the seniors took he under their wing and made sure she was at her best. In one of her first plays she got a supporting role in the Wizard of Oz.

“Till this day I consider that to be the best thing I have ever done. I played Glenda,” Brown said.

From that play on, she aimed for higher roles. In specifics she always wanted a chance to play the role of a Disney princess.

Brown mentioned that every Disney princess role that came upon she tried her best to get them. Freshmen and sophomore year they did Cinderella and Snow White and sadly Brown didn’t get ether parts.

But that didn’t stop her. She pushed her hardest and wouldn’t stop till she got the role she knew she could reach her fullest potential at. And now she finally gets to play a princess in the play Rapunzel.

“I am very excited. Although this play is a little different because Mr. Owens has decided to a split cast, which means there are two different cast,” Brown said.

Although it’s a little different, Brown is proud of how far she has come in high school and achieving what she always wanted.

After high school, Brown plans to attend Ball State and study theatre.


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