New colors welcome school year

Schedules to be handed out Tuesday

A new tile floor throughout the commons and new painted walls will greet students during schedule pick up day on Tuesday. The first day of the school year for students is Friday with the new start time of 8:30 a.m.

Teachers will be at school beginning Wednesday when Dr. Jeff Butts will welcome the enter Wayne Township staff.

There are important dates for the first month of the upcoming year:

July 29 – Student Schedule Pick-Up Day
Schedule pick-up day for is Tuesday. Students are allowed to pick up their schedule ONLY during their assigned block of time. In addition, students will be able to visit lockers, map out classrooms, meet with counselors and fix mistakes on schedules. The schedule is
Sophomores: Noon- 1:30 p.m.
Juniors: 2 – 3:30 p.m.
Seniors: 4 – 5:30 p.m

August 1 – First Day of School for Students
Students will report to homeroom first with the bell ringing at 8:30 a.m.

August 6-8 – School Pictures
Students will have their school picture taken as follows: Sophomores will be August 6, juniors will be August 7 and senior pictures for ID purposes only will be August 8. Order forms will be handed out during homeroom the first day of school. Students should bring their completed form and payment with them on their designated picture day.

August 18 – Deadline for Student Parking Tag
All students who want to drive to school must complete an application which is available in the main office. Sophomores may apply with permission granted based on availability. Students must present a photo copy of both a valid Indiana driver’s license and proof of insurance along with a one-time fee of $20. The parking tag must be displayed by Monday, August 18.

August 28 – Back-to-School Open House
Parents are invited to attend our Back-to-School Open House. Schedules will be available for pick-up at 6:30 p.m. in the Commons area. The first bell will ring at 7 p.m.

August 31 – Yearbook Early Bird Sale Ends
This is the last day to order a 2014-15 yearbook at the reduced price of $70. After Aug. 31, the price increases to $80.

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