Spotlight earns eight awards

Shuler honored four times at Ball State J-Day

Staff report

Spotlight staffers brought home eight awards from the annual High School Journalism Day at Ball State University Friday.

Senior Ashley Shuler earned four awards. Shuler received honorable mention for web site overall, excellent for front page design, honorable mention for print overall design and shared an honorable mention award with senior Gabby Coleman for sports page design. Senior Monica Guzman received an excellent award for entertainment page design and honorable mention for entertainment page design. Sophomore Tre Redeemar won a superior award for sports photography and an excellent award for news photography.

In addition, the Spotlight received an Excellent rating in annual judging from the Indiana High School Press Association (IHSPA) this week. The Excellent rating means the Spotlight is up for Indiana high school newspaper of the year. The newspaper will now be re-judged with the Hoosier Star (the highest award given by the IHSPA) being presented during the IHSPA annual convention in October.

This is the eighth straight year the Spotlight has been up for newspaper of the year.

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