Sports go on, with changes

Michelle Gerardo

Masks are worn by players and fans during girls soccer Senior Night.

Frida Fonseca, staff writer

Editor’s note: Frida Fonseca is a member of the BD girls soccer team and also a reporter for Spotlight.

Since Covid-19 became a problem in our world in the past months, many changes have occurred — school, sports, transportation and learning aren’t the same anymore.

As many were worried that our school wasn’t going to have any sports this year, they still made it happen. Coaches are to get a lot of the credit for keeping our sports seasons going.

So what has changed in high school sports? Everyone must wear a mask at all times. The next game is never promised, any sports team could be quarantined at any time. Our boys soccer team was quaranteed for two weeks last month after a player on an opposing team tested positive for Covid-19.

When riding in the bus, all athletes must sit in assigned seats and always sit in those seats in case anything happens, that way they know who was around that person.

At practice and games the players must practice social distancing with teammates and coaches. Our fans must do as well in order to keep cheering us on.

Teams can’t bond with each other like in the previous years. Most of every high school sports teams had to move up there senior night due to not being sure if their next game would happen. The fans on the side lines must keep six feet apart and remain socially distracted from one another and are required to wear a face mask throughout the entire game.

At practices teams must be at low contact with each other and no contact summer sessions. But as the season goes on our Ben Davis Giants coaches do an amazing job at keeping their players safe.

It is the games that count so most athletes are willing to do whatever it takes to keep playing. I know I am. 

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