Senior speedster

Brown has left her impact on the girls track team

Megan Brown, Staff Writer

Track is a big part of Ben Davis and is also a big part of senior Sheniya Brown’s life.

This is Brown and she plans on finishing her senior year with a strong track season. Brown has been part of the track team since her freshman year and plans on doing track in college. She doesn’t know what college she plans on doing it at just yet though, she is stuck between Butler and Uindy.

It was surprising to hear that Sheniya didn’t really know why she started track.

“Honestly I’m not sure what made we want to start running. I always knew I was fast so I just gave it a shot and ended up getting way better than I ever expected,” Brown said.

She really did get good at track too. Brown won state in the 4×100 her freshman year and also state runner-up. She also got the opportunity to compete at nationals her Sophomore year.

Brown has accomplished a lot in her four years on the Ben Davis track team. She did a lot of different things such as 55, 60,100, 200, 400, 4×100, 4×200, and even the 4×400 and long jump.

“I did so much on the track team. (Coach Alicia), Wallace loves to bounce me around all the sprint events like I’m a superhuman or something,” Brown said.

It looks like Brown will have no problem with her track career in college. She has done various different events and manages to keep up with all of them.

As for leaving, that is going to be hard for her.

“I’m definitely gonna miss all the laughter and just having fun with the girls and coaches,” she said. “We always had a lot of fun no matter what and there is nothing I won’t miss the least because I will miss everything.”

Brown will miss her teammates more than anything.

“I am thankful to have all of you guys in my life and every single one of you guys have had a big impact on my life and I will remember every single one of you,” she said about her senior teammates. “I would never want to have went through these four years with another team and if I could redo it all I would with no doubt. I love you all and I appreciate all the help you guys have gave me.”

We can’t wait to see what Brown will accomplish in college.


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