Ramadan is a Islamic holy month of sawm (fasting), spiritual growth, worship, and the increase in self-discipline. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar, and is the practice of fasting from sunrise to sunset each day for the month of Ramadan. Let’s go a little deeper into this meaning of Ramadan, Eid, the celebration after the ending of Ramadan, and what it means for Muslims!
What is Ramadan?
We are entering the last ten days of Ramadan. You have probably seen videos of muslims fasting during this holy month of Ramadan, maybe you have friends that are fasting for Ramadan. But what is Ramadan? Ramadan is the time of fasting, praying, reflecting on one’s decisions, actions and thoughts, becoming closer to Islam, and having that self-discipline. Ramadan is a month of forgiveness and mercy. It is believed that during Ramadan, Allah’s Mercy and forgiveness is superabundant. This also means us as Muslims must try and refrain from doing bad, we should repent for past mistakes, and focus on doing better, etc.
Why do Muslims fast?
When Muslims are fasting, it is not just eating we should be refraining from. Muslims must refrain from drinking and eating from Fajr (sunrise), to Maghrib (sunset). If they smoke, they must refrain from doing so and practice to keep the habit off, and refrain from negative behaviors such as lying, gossiping, and/or arguing. This includes bad language. These are just a few examples of what Muslims practice during Islam. Fasting includes the mouth, the ears, the hands, and even the eyes. We should not look at what we are not allowed to look at, we should not eat at the times of sunrise to sunset, we should not listen to what we are not supposed to listen to (music, bad language, etc), and we should not touch what we should not touch. Ramadan is about self-discipline, gratitude, empathy, and serves as a reminder of the struggles of the less fortunate, which encourages us as Muslums to be more generous, helpful, and grateful. There is much more, but I am listing simply the basics!
What do Muslim’s do during Ramadan?
During Ramadan, it is encouraged to increase one’s acts of worship and devotion. This can include praying extra prayers, praying the obligatory prayers, praying on time, reading Quran (Holy book), listening to Quran, making dua (making requests from Allah, or a prayer), giving to charity (zakat & sadaqah), and so much more. Doing these acts of worship and devotion is highly recommended in Islam, and obligated. When one does these acts in Islam, they are rewarded tremendously, and a lot of the time pulls them closer to the religion and their faith!
What is Eid?
At the end of Ramadan, there is a celebration, Eid Al-Fitr. There is a prayer that we as a community come together as a whole and pray a prayer called Salat al-Eid. After we pray the Eid prayer, there are usually gatherings (whether it be family gatherings, community gatherings, or friend hang outs), giving zakat (charity), dressing up in our nicest clothes, and spending time with our loved ones, and other Muslims!
Did you learn something new?
If you have a Muslim friend fasting during the month of Ramadan, be respectful and understanding. Keep in mind that they are fasting, and cannot and will not willingly break their fasts because they are told to do so. Do not try and force them to eat, especially by purposefully eating in front of them with ill intention. And be respectful when asking questions! We love to answer questions about Islam, and be as helpful as we can be. Just ask! We will answer!! Did you learn anything new about Ramadan from this? I very much hope so.