As we all know on January 19th TikTok, an app with well over 170 million monthly American users, will be unavailable for use in the app store, and will be banned across the entire United States.
This raises the question “what will be the next big app people will go to.” Or maybe even “who’s going to make a new popular app.”
Well the Chinese company who owns TikTok, ByteDance has actually made a new app called Lemon8. And if you’re curious on if this will be able to take TikTok’s place continue reading to see my personal review and opinion on this new app.
The first thing I noticed when I opened the app was that you can follow people you follow on TikTok and it sends a notification to download the app to them. Also, the format was completely different.
Instead of being greeted by a video I see a format comparable to Pinterest, Instagram, or even Facebook. It seems like this app is mostly photo based and the videos you do see are way shorter than on TikTok, and don’t seem as entertaining.
These videos lean more towards being informative or someone sharing a part of their day or something that they like to do like yoga or something. If you want to connect to other people and be informed instead of entertained, this app is for you, but I personally don’t think this app will be the same as TikTok just because it’s more photo based than TikTok.
Examples of how the app looks