In 2020 COVID-19 officially started. It impacted the world so much from masks to online schools and stores closing and even lockdowns.
So we can all agree that 2020 even now COVID-19 still messes with people’s lives and how they live it. Even though covid isn’t as bad as it was in 2020, it still affects us even in 2024. But recently we have monkeypox to worry about.
Monkeypox has been around for a long time since 1958 but the spike in the numbers in 2024 and a lot of talk about it recently and how some schools around the world have already shut down. And monkeypox like COVID only gets better on its own – no medicine can just make us feel better in a day.
Some of the symptoms of the two are the same monkeypox just has a rash like blisters and bumps. Now although monkeypox is less contagious than Covid it is still contagious.
The Center for Disease Contraol has declared monkeypox Global Health Emergency, writing “Mpox is now a “public health emergency of international concern,” according to a declaration by the World Health Organization on August 14”.