Stores take precautions for us all

Coronavirus brings changes in shopping

Brelyn Lock

Shelves in stores have begun to go empty as people use their time at home to sanitize and clean.

Najiyah Payton, Staff writer

As we all know the world is going through a critical time at the moment.

 Among hundreds of other terrible things happening in our present time’s, many stores have either shut down or reduced hours opened. This precaution is meant to keep us all safe; however ,it is unfortunate if one really needs food.

 Walmart is one of many stores that have shortened to help the staff have more time to deep clean and restock at night. Kroger, Meijer, Costco and Target are among ther stores that have followed suit.

The demand for food has drastically increased over the last month or so and suppliers are having a hard time keeping up with the amount of product needed. Many grocery stores have put limits on the number of necessities that are needed for certain things like fruit, meats, bread and various staples (like paper products).

 For the stores that are still open, there are precautions in the store such as tape to keep everyone at least six feet apart as well as deep cleaning the stores a lot more often than before. You will also notice new protective plexi-glass partitions at checkout lanes.

If you do happen to visit the store you’ll notice a lot of the shoppers take precautions such as wearing masks and gloves to keep themselves as clean as possible. Experts  encourage anyone who visits the stores to take their own and families’ health into their own hands.

Make sure you wipe down your cart before using it as well and if you are extremely cautious you could wipe down all the groceries after purchasing them as well.

Since so many people are buying so many groceries at the same time the price can easily drop and the companies still make the same amount or more money. Ever since this pandemic has started the parking lots of grocery stores are full at all hours of it being open.

Overall, we should try to not stress over things we can not control. However, everyone should take precautions to keep everyone we know and love safe.


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