Are you driving safe?

As summer approaches and more vehicles hit the road, be defensive

Abbagail Speitel, Staff writer

The current leading cause of death for 16-24 year olds is motor vehicle crashes that stands at 48.5 percent nationwide. The statistic displays that their is an ongoing trend of vehicle collisions that are crippling teenagers and young adults across the country.

The temptations of distractions often are the cause of these accidents. The feeling of eagerness to pick up your phone and reply with to a text message. The unliking of a specific song that is currently playing on Spotify and feeling the need to change it. These subtle distractions that wouldn’t mean much anywhere else can determine life or death when operating a vehicle.

As more students are gaining their driving licenses, more car traffic will be on school campus. While on any road though, it should be your top priority as a driver to remain as safe as possible. Defensive driving is the key to being a safe driver. The four rules to being a defensive driver are:

  1. Buckle up
  2. Refrain from speeding
  3. Avoid aggressive driving
  4. Avoid distractions

These four tips often reduce the likelihood of an accident. Of course, these aren’t the only rules to follow when driving. There are some other tips to safe driving such as maintaining the two-second gap between you and the car in front of you, never driving while tired, paying attention to road signs, reducing speed in construction zone and never drinking and driving.

The most simplistic rules can keep you and others on the road safe and sound. As a driver the responsibility of providing a safe environment for others is the same responsibility for others to provide a safe environment for you. Making sure to do your part and maintain a safe driving experience every time you enter a vehicle is the top priority of every driver.

Almost every driver can say they made the mistake of driving while feeling fatigued. If you are feeling too tired to drive, refrain from doing so and call a family member or friend. It is better to be safe than sorry.

There isn’t a lot to driving safe but there is a lot to forcing yourself to be undistracted while on the road. If unaware of how to be a defensive and/or safe driving you can always visit your local BMV to pick up a driving manual or visit their website and review the course.

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