STAMP week begins at Ben Davis
How to stand up for bullying at school and in the community
Bullying is an issue that affects 30 percent of students.
Although this is a startlingly statistic, there are things being implemented to reverse bullying, one of which is Stamp Out Bullying Week. Stamp week is a week dedicated to raising awareness of bullying in schools. This week Ben Davis will be participating in STAMP week.
STAMP is an acronym that stands for ways to prevent bullying and raise awareness for bullying. The first letter S stands for “Stand Up”. It is recommended that students who are struggling with bullying tell a trusted adult or students who see a student being bullying stand up.
Parents should do the same things and talk to authorities if they see their children are having trouble with bullying. Also, they should keep track of their children’s social media accounts.
More states are standing up to bullying and implementing laws against bullying. So if schools don’t have resolve the issue the police may be able too. In Indiana there is state legislation law against cyberbullying and physical bullying.
Silence regarding bullying can lead to negative outcomes. So remember it’s important to stand up for the right thing. Not only during STAMP Week but all year long.
I’m Alexandria Johnson. This will be my third and final year being a photographer and writer for Spotlight. Aside from newspaper, I enjoy shooting people...