Not enough free time?
Having a plan will help ease the stress
Do you ever come back from school or work or wherever it is that you come from, and feel like you don’t have time for anything?
Many teenagers suffer from not having the presence of peace they crave. However, what most people may not know is that there’s always time to do what you want.
Having no time at all is just an excuse. So how do you find some free time?
It’s always important to have at least one spare day to do what you want. Many teenagers tend to stress themselves out because they procrastinate and leave everything necessary to the end.
Do not procrastinate. You will never receive what you are looking for if you keep practicing this
“I must always require free time for myself,” junior Derek Hulitt said. “Our minds must be relieved of the pressure and stress that is constantly being put on our everyday lives. Therefore, somewhere in the proximity of the day it is necessary to find time to alleviate our minds and enjoy free time. That way we can replenish our energy and be prepared for the obstacles ahead.”
Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed. If you feel like you have no time to relax, take a few breaks. Clear your mind. Another clever way to manage your time is to make an agenda. This strategy will never fall short.
Tackett claims that she arrives home from work around 9 p.m. every day except for Friday. She then gives herself one hour to manage doing her homework and then she takes a shower. If she can’t complete her assignments in one hour, she wakes up an hour earlier in the morning and ceases them. Here are eight helpful tips in finding free time:
- Make a list of everything you need to get done for the day and objectives that you would still like to accomplish for yourself. Tackle the necessities first and then do whatever your heart desires. Motivation rises by rewarding yourself after each task.
- Always keep your work with you. You can find yourself in many situations wasting time at work during break or in an extracurricular activity during practice. This opens an opportunity to finish your assignments for the day.
- Don’t be afraid to say no. If a friend calls and invites you somewhere, but you need to study for a test the next day, just tell him/her that you are not available for that day and arrange for another one.
- Find your productive time. This one is easy. If you feel that your brain works better at night, do all your work at night. Same goes for morning time.
- Take away electronics during study or homework sessions (Unless you are using them to study.) Respond to calls or texts only after you have finished.
- Establish a well-organized schedule due to the amount of hours given to you.
- Don’t get side-tracked. Many high school students tend to misuse precious time by doing unnecessary activities like surfing the web and watching TV. This leads to procrastination. If you have priorities, make sure you are doing them first and then you can enjoy yourself. If it is your priority that is holding you down because you don’t know how to do it, contact your teacher and have them help you out with it.
- And last but not least, get a good night’s sleep.
Succeed in these steps, and you will become more productive.

My name is Jessica. This is my first time being in newspaper class and I love it. I played softball in ninth grade and my favorite color is turquoise....