Curtain Call in the Spotlight
Curtain Call dance studio is a very big supporter of Ben Davis
Curtain Call Dance studio is a non competitive dance studio located off of Country Club Road. There are currently four Ben Davis students who dance there. Every year they are one of the top fundraising teams for Wayne Townships Relay for Life and the Curtain Call Performing Company puts on a dance performance at the event. A scheduling conflict could prevent them from performing at Wayne Township’s Relay For Life this year, depending on days of events, but they also have started performing at the Speedway Relay for Life. The question is, how do they raise all this money?
Throughout the year Curtain Call has different fundraising activities for dancers to participate in. For one week in September, October, November, and January they sold pizza in the kitchen for $1 a piece. During the month of October, they sold Boo Grams so dancers could send a little halloween treat to a friend at dance. In February they did the same thing with Hug Grams.
In December, one of the teachers planned an event where you payed a certain amount of money to go to the studio on a friday night and decorate gingerbread houses. This was a big hit with a lot of the younger dancers.
In January there was a “Daddy-daughter dance” in which the money from those tickets all went towards Relay for life. There was also a lock-in during the month of February.
All these events lead up to one of Curtain Call’s biggest events of the year called “Dance Against Cancer” This is a dessert cabaret show held at the dance studio. This year there are 4 shows, 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. shows on Saturday March 14th; 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. shows on Sunday March 15th. Tickets are $10.
The performance is held in the biggest studio at Curtain Call with about 100 chairs set up. There is another studio filled with auction items donated by the families at the dance studio. Another studio is filled with donated desserts. The rest of the rooms are used as dressing rooms for all of the dancers.
The Performing Company dances the most in this show. All the solos and duets that people have been learning are featured in this show. They also teach a dance to dancers who are not in the Performing Company but would like to be in the show. For many dancers, this is their favorite event of the year.
Curtain Call also has its annual Nutcracker Ballet performance here at Ben Davis in December. The Performing Company also has danced at the Wayne Township Education Foundation variety show.
The Performing Company director, Michelle Allison, is the choreographer for the Colts Cheerleaders. The dancers at Curtain Call have had the opportunity to dance in a Colts halftime show a few times. They also dance at Kings Island every year.
Curtain Call is doing great things for the Indianapolis community. For more information about Curtain Call, go to

Hi, my name is Samantha Hoerger. I am a sophomore and I decided to join Spotlight staff because I have always loved taking pictures and I would like to...