Introducing the 2014-15 senior officers

The 2015 Senior Class Officers are (left to right) Mariana Lagunas, Thomas Kee, Emily Bigley (vice president), Autum Lewis, Liwam Beraki, Amanuel Araya, Marvin Bills (secretary) and Brooke Ferguson (president). 2015 Senior Class Officers   left to right . . . . . . . .Mariana Lagunas, Thomas Kee, Emily Bigley-vice president, Autum Lewis, Liwam Beraki, Amanuel Araya, Marvin Bills-secretary, Brooke Ferguson - president
The 2015 Senior Class Officers are (left to right) Mariana Lagunas, Thomas Kee, Emily Bigley (vice president), Autum Lewis, Liwam Beraki, Amanuel Araya, Marvin Bills (secretary) and Brooke Ferguson (president).
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