A man of the law, a role model to the students

Officer Singletary protects and helps BD students, staff

Claire Smith

Officer Rex Singletary talks to the front office staff during first period.

Matt Brown, Staff writer

At any time, day or night, there are officers here at Ben Davis who help keep our school safe and sound. However, one officer who goes above and beyond Officer Rex Singletary.

Officer Singletary’s enrolment into the academy was nothing spectacular, but was a lot of hard work. He had to do 30 pushups in a minute, run a mile and a half in 13 minutes, and complete an oral exam in front of a board of officials.

Not to mention that there is EVOC that every officer to be has to complete. EVOC stands for Emergency Vehicle Operation Course which is basically an obstacle course for high speed pursuits.

Within a work time of more than 800 hours, officer Singletary had completed his training and became an officer of the law.  After that, he applied to work for Wayne Township where he ended up here at Ben Davis. After 11 years at his job, he is still putting his best foot forward.

“I love working here,” Singletary said.” I get to meet new people, be consistent, and enjoy my day.”

Officer Singletary does a lot for his job. He does things like preventing fights, working the cameras in the camera room and protecting the school. One major one that seems much easier, but also has its struggles, is meeting new people and making relationships out of them. Not to mention taking out side hobbies such as golf, motorcycling, and music. However, no matter what the job is, officer Singletary gets it done with positivity and head held high. According to administration assistant Melissa Edwards, his attitude is one of his highest roles.

“One thing that he does well is that he is always positive no matter what, ” Edwards said,” He is also a positive role model.”

To dean of students Heather McGowan , Singletary does many great things like listening with his heart and not with his ears.

“He does a lot of things well so it’s hard to point out one thing,” McGowan said, “However, one thing that he does well is the way he utilizes the security cameras. He also puts kids first, like mentoring. He educates and listens to them and notices when they are upset.”

Partner and friend, officer Jeff McCleerey thinks that officer Singletary is a great partner to have.

“Officer Singletary and I have been working together for the past four years.” McCleerey said, “Over the four years, we’ve worked well together. He is also a very helping officer.”

Officer Singletary, who has been working for 11 dedicated years, is not only a role model, but a good friend to have. With his upbeat positive attitude, it would be hard to see this school without him because we would not only lose a caring officer, but a part of us as well.