Staying safe

How to stay safe on your way to and from school

Getting to and from school is part of everyone’s hectic schedule.

As we struggle to get up from bed each morning we find ourselves making many decisions like choosing the day’s outfit, your favorite breakfast cereal and perhaps deciding whether to finish last night’s homework over sleeping in five more minutes.

With so many things on our minds, it is easy to forget about safety. While transporting yourself to and from school via the school bus, walking or even driving, it is essential that you take a moment to choose to take safety precautions. Following safety precautions is all about keeping you safe. So be smart and follow them.

Students who ride the bus can decrease the likelihood of a tragic bus accident by incorporating these simple tips to their routine.

Stay ALERT. With today’s technology it is easy to become distracted on our phones and miss a vehicle veering our way. According to The National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services, Wayne Township School District reported 264 violations by drivers who disobey school buses’ yield safety during one day.

Evidently, it is important that students look out for unsafe drivers that could potentially harm them. Student drivers can help our community remain safe by following the road’s guidelines. After all, it is the law and breaking it may result in a fine and/or a month of incarceration.

Students using the bus remember to stay at a reasonable distance from the street and if you cross the street look right, left, and right again while keeping yourself visible to street drivers. Be wise about your choices to stay safe.

While not all Ben Davis students ride the bus, it is still important that walkers and drivers follow similar safety precautions. Senior Ryan DeHoff walks to school and stays alert at all times.

“I always wait to cross the street if I see or hear a car,” DeHoff said. “If there is any doubt that I will make it across with time to spare, I wait.”

Even if you are rushing to get to your next destination, it is vital to avoid risking your life by crossing through the buses at the end of the day. Don’t worry, you will still get to where you need to be.

With the summer soon coming to an end and the chilly weather approaching, it is especially important to take safe routes. DeHoff advices students to avoid slick ground.

“Sidewalks and parking lots around the football field and Ninth Grade Center gym are often not salted well, so take extra precaution there.” DeHoff said.

Overall, staying safe can be simple if you incorporate these precautions into your day. Take the time to follow them and perhaps by doing so we will avoid having any Wayne Township students affected by transit tragedies.

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