Is love blind?

Mary Adams, managing editor

This will contain spoilers from season two.

Considering the season just ended, I wanted to review all the couples.

If you haven’t seen Love Is Blind, the show is about a social experiment. There are a group of people who are trying to find someone to marry, but the catch is that they won’t see each other until they get engaged. They talk through walls, and the more they talk to others they decide who their potential partner is. After people decide to get engaged, they all go on a honeymoon in Mexico. After Mexico, they go back to their real lives and meet each other’s families. The end of the show consists of the wedding episodes, where they decide if they will actually go through with the marriage. After the wedding episode is a reunion episode that takes place two years later.

Shaina and Kyle:
I honestly don’t really have an opinion on Kyle, but I absolutely cannot stand Shaina. They broke up very quickly after leaving the pods. Shaina even left their vacation in Mexico early. I personally don’t think Shaina should have gotten engaged to Kyle, she should’ve said no from the get go. I personally think she got engaged to Kyle because Shayne was into Natalie. One of the major reasons Shaina broke it off with Kyle was because he wasn’t religious, and that was an important factor for her and her family. If something is this major in her life, she never should have gotten engaged to Kyle. Save everyone the time.

Natalie and Shayne:
Honestly both of them annoy me, but I have to say I expected them to work out. They both have their issues, but I feel like they were the definition of opposites attract. I was very concerned about Shayne’s intentions and what he wanted at the beginning, but after the pods and in the real world, their relationship really blossomed. They seemed like one of the happiest couples in the show. No matter how badly I expected them to work, I do have to respect Natalie for saying no at the wedding. Apparently, the night before they got in a really bad fight. During the argument, Shayne said that he hated Natalie, and she was the worst thing to happen to him. This pushed Natalie to say no at the altar, and she said they had bigger issues to work through before marriage.

Iyanna and Jarrette:
I absolutely love Iyanna and Jarrette. I also think that Jarrette was questionable at the beginning, but the more I saw them in the world the more my faith in them grew. At the pods, Jarrette originally proposed to Mallory, but she rejected him. This lead him to proposing to Iyanna and therefore getting engaged. He also raised some questions while they were in Mexico, he made comments about how Mallory wanted a gold ring, but the ring Sal gave her wasn’t gold. However, in the real world, Jarrette made a comeback. Iyanna told him what she wanted and needed, and he was willing to make a change to satisfy her.

Mallory and Sal:
Mallory and Sal definitely had ups and downs. Sal’s sister was close with his ex-girlfriend, which raised concern. However, every time something challenged the relationship, Sal made a strong effort to win Mallory over. This would include playing the ukulele for her and surprising her with a homemade dinner. I definitely think their relationship has potential, but now wasn’t the time for them to get married.

Nick and Danielle:
Nick and Danielle had challenges throughout their relationship as well. Danielle struggles with mental health issues, which also impact their relationship. Through all the small battles, Nick stood by her side. I definitely had some concern about if they were going to work out. I was really surprised when both of them said yes. I think they have potential, but that doesn’t mean they should have gotten married so early.

Deepti and Shake:
I really feel bad for Deepti. Throughout the relationship, she gave Shake more than he returned. And honestly, girl power for her saying no. Shake did not deserve her in any way, shape, or form. The show is called “Love Is Blind,” and Shake asked her about what she looked like in the pods. This defeats the point of the show. He ended up not being physically attracted to her in the real world. His mom even said that Deepti doesn’t deserve someone that would “give her even half a percent less” when Shake went to her about his concerns. Definitely was not fond of Shake. I think there is someone out there for him, but this isn’t how he will find her.

I felt so bad for Deepti the entire reunion. Shake wouldn’t stop talking about everyone, and she looked embarrassed the entire time. Shake just randomly gave his opinions on EVERY relationship that took place and everyone’s issues. He just gave them out of nowhere, like he was qualified to speak on all the relationships. There was a moment when Iyanna said he should get professional help for his narcissism. I loved that moment. Throughout the show, everyone defended Deepti, and called Shake out on his faults. However, many people owned up to their actions on the show and admitted they should have done something different.

Overall, I think love is blind. Just because many couples didn’t get married, that doesn’t mean they don’t love each other. Love itself isn’t the only factor in marriage, and people can love each other without getting married.

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