Netflix is a guilty pleasure
When binge watching a show, this is it
Netflix is a world-wide used app. Many different movies, shows, etc. Netflix has more than 44 million subscribers in 41 countries.
It’s a guilty pleasure, what can we say.
Many of us have likely binge-watched Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, American Horror Story, etc. Binge-watch means to watch multiple episodes of (a television program) in rapid succession. Here are a couple of shows that I recommend for you to watch.
I’m currently on my last episodes of Gossip Girl. Gossip Girl is a series that is based on about a group of teens that go to a boarding school in New York. As every show has drama, this one is made up of it.
The name is Gossip Girl for a reason. But there’s a problem that they all face, which is an anonymous blogger that calls him/her “Gossip Girl.” The blogger runs their own website, which spreads secrets or gossip of the group of people. Even the consequence of getting the school, and their own families involved with trouble.
I recommend this show to everyone who likes to binge-watch all day. There are six seasons, and it goes by faster than you think.
Another show that is worth binge-watching is Orange Is the New Black. (Often abbreviated to OITNB) is an American crime comedy-drama series. Which was first released on Netflix on July 11, 2013. This show is a Netflix series, that’s ONLY on Netflix, nowhere else.
That’s one of the many good things about it. OITNB is based on a 24 year old woman that got involved in a young love relationship with her ex-girlfriend, Alex Vause. While young and ‘in love,’ they both made some mistakes which ended them both up in prison years later, leaving her fiancé and family behind for 15 months.
I recommend this show to everyone. OITNB will have you smiling at your screen, or even biting the last bit of nails that you have left.
Yes, we all know that’s its bad to sit at home, and binge-watch all day, but everyone has a couple hours to spare, and catch up on some good shows. So if you have a couple of hours, you should check those shows out. It will be worth it. By no time, you will be telling everyone you know to watch it with you. But be careful, by the time you know it, you’ll find yourself addicted to Netflix.

RIFF RAFF FOLLOWS ME ON TWITTER. Now that I have your attention, let me introduce myself. My names Vanessa Mendoza and this is my second year on Spotlight....