Choir concert to highlight younger choirs

Miranda Dowell

Ben Davis graduate Jericho Hughes (far left) directs Accents during second period. Hughes will be directing choirs during Wednesday’s choir concert in the auditorium

The spotlight will be on the group of non-competitive choirs during this Wednesday’s winter choir performance in the auditorium.

Performing during the 7 p.m. show will be Accents, Debut, Encores, Keynotes and Soto Voce. The show is free of charge. The non-competitive choirs do not compete in the weekend contests, but generally consist of younger students who are hoping to move up to the advanced choirs next year.

“I love performing because you get to entertain others and it’s awesome to know people pay to hear my voice,” said sophomore Alexys Couch, a member of Accents.

The performers perform not for themselves but to please the audience. Accents is under the guidance of Ben Davis graduate Jericho Hughes, who is filling in this semester while Amanda Harrison is on maternity leave. Hughes remembers his days as a young choir member.

“My favorite part was the memories I made with the friends I met in choir.” Hughes said. “I also like making music for music’s sake, instead of just for the judges.”

Being in choir is a lot of work, but the payoff usually comes when performing in front of an audience.

“My favorite part of choir would have to be the variety of music,” sophomore Julie Reeves said.

That variety will be on display this Wednesday.


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