It’s all about that bass

Isaac Beaumont to be the only student musician in Godspell


In most musicals, the actors get the glory. Audiences cheer for them as they execute soaring solo notes; their bios are printed in the show’s programs; their glamorous headshots hang on the walls outside the theater.

However, equally important to any musical’s success are the musicians accompanying the cast. Junior Isaac Beaumont is one of these unsung performers.

Beaumont will play the bass in Ben Davis’s upcoming rendition of Godspell, a musical based on Biblical parables from the book of Matthew.

As the only student musician playing from the pit, Beaumont works with adults such as choir director and synth player Jason David and choir department pianist Marcia Leis. He describes the experience of collaborating with this group as a refreshing opportunity.

“It’s good to work with musicians who are out of school and who you don’t see every day,” Beaumont said. “They offer a different perspective.”

Beaumont may be the youngest of the instrumentalists in Godspell, but he does not lack experience. While Godspell is his first musical, he began bass lessons in seventh grade and has been involved in jazz band and orchestra since middle school. Last year he performed with the show band, the group that accompanies Ben Davis’s show choirs at competitions and school performances, which prepared him to take on the challenge of playing in sync with singers.

Beaumont, along with the rest of the cast, crew and musicians, has put in long hours to make Godspell a success.

“We run through the whole musical and start over again from the top.” Beaumont said. “We had three and a half-hour rehearsals last week, and this week we have four and a half-hour rehearsals.”

After so much dedicated practice, Godspell’s musicians are anticipating a successful opening night.



Friday: 7:30 p.m.

Saturday: 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Performed in the Ben Davis Theatre

Tickets on sale in the choir department: $6 for students and $8 for adults.

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