Dreamliner album review

One of the most creative and promising bands around.

Brighter Arrows’s Dreamliner album cover.

It is not often that you hear one of the most creative and promising bands around start in your home state, especially in Indiana, but this exact thing has happened.

Brighter Arrows is a band from Chesterton, Indiana who formed in 2011. This year, they released their full-length “Dreamliner.”

This record is hard to define, with its influences ranging from My Bloody Valentine, to Sonic Youth, to even some of the more spastic side of 199’s emo. It is an abrasive ride that you can’t help but be fascinated by.

No matter who influenced this record, it’s safe to say that the band has created something completely unique and awe-inducing.

Lasting just under 40 minutes, we’re given an LP that uses every single second to its advantage. From the hushed whispers in Half Memory all the way to the distorted noise intro on Vangelis China, this album creates an atmosphere of hostility, but it is also remains fuzzy and controlled enough to be a friend. It is a constant shift in power, which really gives this album a new twist with each listen.

Brighter Arrows also uses an interestingly minimalist take on vocals. As in most shoegaze bands (My Bloody Valentine, for example) the vocals take a very drowned out approach, and the instrumentation is shown first and foremost.

With this band, the vocals are just another instrument, distant and mixed in with all of the other chaos, but are aggressive and yelled in a way that Jeremy Bolm of Touché Amoré would be proud of. Vocals hardly appear on this album, but when they do, it’s always an interesting take on the genres usual use of them.

With this LP, and bands like Whirr, Deafheaven, and Nothing, shoegaze is making a complete comeback, but this time with a much darker and intense atmosphere. Keep a look out for bands like this, and be sure to support Brighter Arrows by seeing them live.



If you enjoy what this album has to offer, then you should also check out “Sunbather” by Deafheaven and “Around” by Whirr

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