Failure is already something that makes everyone uncomfortable, especially in school.
We are told over and over again to overcome it by studying harder, try more, and do better so we don’t fail. But if it was that easy everyone no one would fail, right?
It is engraved into our brains that failure is a bad thing something to be embarrassed about. In reality failure is one of the best things we could every do. And one safe place that you can experience failure, is school. If we really thing about it, failure is unavoidable.
Nobody is going to get through highschool without messing up at least once. Whether it’s a test you fail or a big project your grade was depending on. At the time, it’s the worst feeling in the world and at times it feels like you ruined your chances of succeeding but that’s not true.
Those moments of failure often turn out to be one of the most important learning experiences. Failure helps you grow, humbles you, and reminds you that nobody is perfect and perfection is not realistic.
Let failure teach you what you need to know and that it’s proof that you’re trying and learning.