On Thursday, January 30th, Ben Davis choirs such as Preview, Sounds, Premieres, and Purple Aires as well as other choir students will be in the Ben Davis auditorium at 7 p.m. to debut their 2025 competition shows. See previews of competition sets from the choirs and watch as BD choir students perform their own various acts.
Students say the Cabaret is an ample opportunity for families and friends to come see what they choirs have been working on this year. It is the first home public performance for the choir, who went to Lafayette last weekend to open the 2025 season. The choir will host the Giant Spec the weekend of Feb. 15.
It’s important that choir students get to have this privilege, especially as they gear up for their competition season. At Ben Davis, events like the choir department’s Cabaret allow students to have a creative outlet and focus that will help them grow and achieve their current as well as future goals.
This choir department charted event will be held for students and family to see in the auditorium, ticket sales run $8 for adults, and $5 for students and can be purchased on the Ben Davis Athletics homepage. Come and watch as the choir students of Ben Davis paint the stage red with their talent.