The school year has just started and there are new sophomores finding their way around school. I went around and asked sophomores on how they feel about being in the high school.
When I went around and asked, most said that it was hard the first few days to find their classes until they found short cuts and the stairs that are by their classes. Some sophomores got lost during the first week of school, but now all seem to be in a groove.
On the first day of school the first thing you realize is how much bigger high school is then the ninth-grade center. At the NGC, all your classes are in one hall unless you have like art or something like that. Sophomore, Emily Martinez had to go to her home room on that first that day and get everything she needs. Her schedule for that day only was different and she was confused for the first couple days. Mostly though, on that first day she was so lost she didn’t know where any of her classes are she was going form up to downstairs. Her schedule was so confusing and at first, she didn’t know how to tell if her classes were up or down stairs but that was the simple part.
And that day was so hard to get to all her classes, she went around in circles over and over again. She had a hard day she didn’t have class with any of her friends and that day she had to figure out the quickest ways to her classes and she took that route every day for the first two days. She memorized the quickest ways to her classes and then she found out she is going to have to do it all over again next semester and find where those classes are at.
Later that day she ran into her friend and then she had the same issue where they couldn’t find their classes, and both were so confused that entire day.
And now she thinks it is super easy once you get the route you are going to take almost every day and now, she’s not late to any of her classes and she knows where to go every day.