We live in a cruel and unusual world with people being bullied and made fun of almost constantly. The worst of it cal lead to suicide.
Yes, suicide is a touchy and heartbreaking topic, but it is also serious. Suicide is never really the answer. I should know, I’ve struggled with it so much, only at the age of Sixteen.
I’m thankful to say that friends have helped me a lot through everything, and without them knowing they have even saved my life. If you ever struggled or have struggled with suicide, bullying, and self harm — or even know someone else who has — remember you are never alone. There are always other people out there, and people even willing to listen and help you.
Reaching out is always extremely difficult, but can also be very rewarding. Everyone struggles with something, so you should never feel ashamed about what you are going through.
Statistics show that 79% of suicidal thoughts are caused by newspapers, magazines, school or any other from of social media. Social media can throw people’s self-esteem way down the drain.
With people saying things like “ you need to be skinny to be beautiful”, “ glasses are nerdy”, “ you are too skinny/ you need to eat more”, “ you are too fat”, “ you are faking your anxiety and it’s all just made up in your head.” These are all things that people can be told, and none of which can be true.
People actually do have mental health issues, you never know someone’s story, so please never try to jump to any kind of conclusion whatsoever. It’s sickening, Some people even laugh at the topic of suicide or self harm and even bullying like its some kind of sick joke when it’s not.
Grow up and notice what’s happening, it’s not right that this is happening at all. People push others over the limit, and the victim is always scared to even talk to someone about it, due to the possible outcome(s) of everything, since society tells people to not talk about their issues, and not to put it on someone else.
Suicide within the LGBTQ+ community is outrageous. There’s a list of statistics from a Generations Study that show 92% of people in the LGBTQ+ community thought about suicide, 75% of the community planned on doing it, and 88% of the community has attempted suicide.
Here is a story that someone has anonymously sent me about themselves. It is worth reading because it tells a lot about what teeangers go throuigh.
I feel people should hear this because no one should get to the point I was at or get to the mind state I was in and go through what I did.
“As a child I was bullied. It wasn’t often at first but once my dad’s mom died and I was at my lowest was when people really started to use that as an advantage for them to bully me. It was hard and honestly looking back when I told teachers they didn’t believe me or even tried to listen. I felt I couldn’t reach out about my problems and by the age of 12 I started bottling everything up.
“I’ve always kept to myself and my friend group but no matter how close I was to friends and family I felt I couldn’t open up still. At the age of 12 I was sexually harrassed by a kid I met through a close friend who had moved to Knightstown. The guy was actually dating my friend. No matter how many times I said no, he kept guilt tripping me threatening to kill himself. I even saw him with a gun to his head.
“It got so bad and I finally found an excuse to get away by May of 2019. It started at the end of September 2018. I felt free but I knew there would still be that feeling of why me. After that things got worse, between home problems and bullying at school I couldn’t focus. I found it hard to do my work and when I reached out to my family telling them I knew something was wrong with me mentally they just shrugged it off.
“One of my ex friends tried helping me by attempting to give meds for my anxiety. The school found out though and was also told I had thoughts of self harm. They didn’t know I was only a week or so clean from self harm. They ended up calling my family. On January 28, 2020 I was put on suicide watch at the ER. By 11:30pm that night I had been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety and was taken to an options behavioral center.
“I was there till February 6, 2020. I was there for a week, put in therapy and put on meds. As of January 28, this year it will have been two years since I was diagnosed and I am on a total of eight medications, most of the eight are for mental health. It’s hard at times but I now have a supportive friend group and an amazing boyfriend who’s there for me. And my family now pays attention to how I am mentally.
“You are not alone even if it seems like it, know someone will be there for you whether it’s friends, family, or your significant other you will have someone by your side. “
That story, unfortunately, is all too familiar in today’s world.
There are even people that joke about suicide and make it less important. There’s even been times where someone has threatened to kill themselves just so they can get what they want from someone, which is way beyond manipulative and controlling.
Self-harm and suicide are the main topics you should NEVER joke about, its something extremely major. So keep an eye out, check on your friends and loved ones, even people around school. If someone looks like they are having a gloomy day, ask if they are alright and if they need anything. Keep your head up, and always remember you are never alone, no matter what you think.