As we all know, cell phones have been a target for new-state laws. On March 12, 2024 the bill was signed by Indiana’s Republic Governor, Eric Holcomb prohibiting the use of wireless communication in schools.
This list consisted of cellular telephones, tables, gaming devices, and personal laptops. This legislation was aimed to make a more focused educational environment by decreasing the amount of distractions, reducing cyberbullying, encouraging in-person interactions, and ultimately enhancing students’ academic performances. On July 1st, 2024 the bill was officially put into effect. There are a few exceptions such as educational use with teachers permission, emergency situations, or for students with disabilities.
It’s been a while since this bill was passed and put into practice, so the vital question that comes up is: has it truly been effective? Teachers here at Ben Davis strongly partake in enforcing this new law, when asked they mostly had positive feedback.
“I’ve noticed that students are collaborating and participating more during class. I’ve seen that students are choosing to speak to one another more often instead of scrolling on their devices and being silent in class,” math teacher Alexander Carson said.
“I have noticed significant improvement in student’s class participation and communication with each other in class. Before the phone law, students would escape to their phones when they experienced tricky feelings or a challenging task. Without the distraction their phones provided, I’ve observed students developing relationships with their classmates and finding ways to confront challenges with creative problem solving,” jewelry teacher Kristine Hendrix said.
Students are voicing their opinions as well.
“I think I’m mutual about the phone law. I believe that it’s partially beneficial, teachers enforce this law but that doesn’t necessarily mean that students will follow it,” sophomore Sherri Keys said.
Through my own personal experience I agree with this statement. I’d say for me when it comes to being more attentive and focused in class it definitely helps. Although it’s not my favorite thing in the world, I’ve seen a personal improvement within my grades since the law was put into place. On the other hand, I believe it does tempt students to be on their devices even more. In our day and age young teens are glued to their devices and the use of the internet. Trying to limit their access to it will only make them want it more.
Despite the fact that it’s mostly productive at our school, in reality evidence of improvement and successfulness in students since this ban is actually very limited. Due to the many factors that are in play, research gathered is actually inconclusive.
Raelynn Hughes • Feb 3, 2025 at 4:54 PM
Great first story Mya! Love it!