By this point in the year, seniors are counting down to graduation. With the first semester wrapped up, most applications have been sent in. This can be a stressful time for students as they await decisions from the schools they applied to, as well as choose where they want to attend next school year. Second semester is always a time of anticipation.
With just 19 weeks until graduation, a common phenomenon known as senioritis might start to kick in. Losing motivation to finish out the year is completely normal, but just remember there’s only a few months left.
Keeping up with work and staying productive can help combat this, and help seniors stay on track until graduation. Second semester should be exciting for seniors as they finish out their high school years.
So where should you be right now? Remember that although applications have been sent in, you can still apply.
If you were running behind or making up your mind about a school, there is usually still time to submit applications. Decisions must be made by May 1, which gives a few months of wiggle room.
Filling out other important documents, such as the FAFSA and the CSS profile, is also important during this time. And remember, all seniors MUST complete the FAFSA form – this year it is required for graduation. See Kiara Cross in student services if you have questions.
In addition, start thinking about where you might like to go. Getting acceptance letters can be exciting, but also a little scary. Make sure to weigh out all your options and find the school that’s best for you. If college isn’t for you, have an idea of what you might like to do post-graduation.
Although there are a lot of responsibilities this time of year, there are also fun things to look forward to. Attending graduation parties of friends and family, and even planning yours can be something exciting to take your mind off the stress. It’s important to celebrate your accomplishments. Even if you don’t know exactly what you want to do after high school, that’s okay. Instead of stressing, think about how far you’ve already come and how many opportunities you have to succeed in the future.
Make sure you have ordered all the graduation materials you need and mark your calendars for June 3.
Information on caps and gowns have been passed out, so make sure to use those resources if you haven’t already. In addition, ordering a yearbook is optional but highly encouraged. Yearbooks are great assets to use if you want to remember highlights of your school year, and these can be ordered both in person and online.
The time post-graduation might seem ominous to some, but it should also be exciting. Enjoy the last few months as Ben Davis students in the final countdown to graduation.