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Head custodian Teresa Williams (left) with granddaughter Cristen Carter following the Giants winning the Marion County tourney.
Walking through the Ben Davis halls you may have noticed our head custodian, Teresa. Williams. What you might not know is she is the biggest fan of senior Cristen Carter and has seen Carter plays hundreds of basketball games.
Carter calls her “grandma.”
Carter is the captain of the girls varsity basketball team that plays Saturday in the Southport semistate. She is also ranked No. 2 academically in the Class of 2023.
Williams has been working at Ben Davis since 1984. She took charge as head custodian in 1995. She prides herself in having the best staff and always pushing her employees to do the best they can.
Williams says it is a great honor to hold her position. She loves showing people what she knows and her pride lies in a clean environment. And in her granddaughter representing the Giants.
Williams has gone through many staff members and with the newer generations she agrees there is more training and communicating. Williams says the key to a great staff is working with them and listening to what they want as well as listening to what they don´t want.
Williams is centered on building relationships with her staff and her coworkers. And in watching BD kids excel.
¨I feel good, mainly how the kids interact,” Williams said. “I love seeing that. The highlight of my life is seeing someone I knew before or someone I did something for in the past. I love seeing kids happy.¨
But her closest relationship is with Cristen. It is a tight knit relationship in a tight knit family. Williams has been married for 46 years, has three beautiful children, 10 grandchildren and one great grandchild.
¨It’s a great feeling knowing she’s here,” Williams said of seeing Cristen in the halls. “I let her do her because there is just so much going on.¨
Williams is always in the stands when the lady Giants are playing and is always there for Cristen when it comes to being a student.
¨It is amazing,” Williams said of Cristen’s academic status. “It is unreal. No matter what time practice ends she does homework. Her mom expects no less than Straight A´s. It is unreal she is my granddaughter. It’s a great feeling.¨
Williams also can’t remember a time when Cristen has been difficult.
¨She is like the perfect child,” Williams said. “She’s very non confrontational and loves to have fun.¨
Carter is the captain of the girls varsity basketball team. The Lady Giants are 18-9 heading into Saturday’s semistate game with Lawrence North. A win puts them in 8 p.m. championship game with a chance to go to the state final on the line.
Carter knows no matter what, her grandmother will be there.
“She always pushes me, keeps me grounded, supportive through everything,” Carter said of Williams. “It’s good to know I have support with my grandma here at school.¨
¨I am the grandmother in the bleachers,” Williams said.
Williams likes to point out that Cristen notices everything taking place on the court to everything taking place on the bleachers coming from her supporters.
¨We have always been a close knit family,” Williams said. “Cristen cooks and cleans and takes care of the family.¨
With her years of experience at Ben Davis, Williams has seen a lot of successes and failures through our halls but the pride she shows about Cristen is genuine. She does offer advice to today’s students.
¨Continue to reach for it, be anything you want to be and apply yourself,” Williams said.
After this season ends, Carter will head off to Miami of Ohio where she received an athletic scholarship. Williams offers a piece of advice to Cristen.
¨Continue to strive and continue to be who you are,” Williams said. “Allow nothing to change you. God is watching and he will lead you.¨
But Williams knows one thing for sure. “I will missing watching her play here,” she said.