Imagine if students got a three-day weekend, that would be such a breath of fresh air.
I think students should be able to have Friday off because it gives us students more time to rest and it would reduce stress, anxiety, and burnout. Some students take the Friday off anyway.
Some of us students don’t get enough time to spend with our family, explore interests, or the opportunity to work part-time jobs. With an extra day off, we would have more time to sleep, finish homework or missing work, and study for upcoming tests/quizzes.
Schools that have switched to a four-day week have seen fewer absences and better student performance. That could also save schools money on buses, electricity, and lunches.
Teachers could also take some time to rest since they teach all day. Right now, us students are tired and overwhelmed with homework, tests, and early mornings. A lot of students cram their work together to get it finished in a span of 2 days before Monday arrives and that usually never works.
Having Friday as an extra day of taking our time to finish any work would be very beneficial. A three-day weekend would make us happier, healthier, and more ready to learn.
Schools usually give students Mondays or Fridays off which gives us a chance to have a break, and re-collect ourselves. High school life is hard, and I think it’s a great idea to have either day off.