The end of a semester usually means students are more aware of their academic class ranking and GPA. This could cause stress on a student, making them think they haven’t done well enough or aren’t as “smart” as the people around them.
Are these things really significant to measuring someone’s dedication, learning ability and value as a student?
Some students may resort to unethical methods of gaining success or ‘getting the grade’, and will focus more on the physical representations of how well they’ve done instead of actually learning or taking in the material being taught. The main purpose of education is to learn and that does not always mean a focus on grades.
“If everything I learn in high school is a measurable object, I haven’t learned anything,” a Tennessee student said when he spoke his opinion on YouTube.
This student was addressing a school board with his concerns about standardized testing and the common core testing being purposed by educational leaders around the country.
You may hear about people who cheat on a test to get an A, or even teachers who “teach the test” before standardized testing comes around. This isn’t the right way to go about things, considering the fact that you are primarily in the classroom to learn, not necessarily compete or cheat your way to the top.
Whether this stress is caused from peers or self-inflicted motivation to do better than others, it can be questioned whether it is good or bad to get competitive. The motivation to learn more or work harder can definitely be a good thing, as long as you remember that gaining the education is what’s important, and you are deserving of the grade you get.
However, those who overwork themselves while under constant pressure to be the absolute best may have the wrong goal in mind. It really depends on what you’re capable of, and worth giving up in order to achieve what you know you can.
If you know your best is a C in math, don’t feel ashamed if you don’t get an A. It is best if you just stick to what you know you can do, and be proud of what you are able to accomplish without becoming obsessive over it.
“I’m currently number one in the class, but it doesn’t usually stress me out to retain it. I focus more on what I can do than doing better than others,” senior Chasity Li said regarding her stress level in keeping her high class ranking.
With all the numbers and letters given to somehow label how much you’ve learned, just remember it isn’t necessarily measuring your intelligence. Given all the advantages in doing well in school, you should still give your best effort but don’t get so wrapped up in all the measurable things involved in it.