As your senior year comes to an end, it tends to become challenging and difficult. From worrying about your life after high school to numerous questions about your future, and the main question of it all. “Are you going to college?”
From several college emails ,“FAFSA”, writing statements, getting recommendation letters , and filling out applications to college, tThe acceptance process can be the biggest milestone during someone’s life, whether it’s stressful, overwhelming, frustrating, or even exciting.
Here are how a free seniors have handled the process.
Senior Lis Marie Santos Fernandez
What was your college acceptance process like?
“My college acceptance process was very challenging to say the least, applying to the colleges was an easy experience for me, but what made it hard was deciding where I want to apply.”
What were your challenges
“Honestly the waiting process of your application, I got very impatient when it came to waiting because I just wanted to find out my options that I had gotten into.”
How did you decide ?
“Well, I waited until all of my college application decisions came back so then when it came time to pick what college I’m going to, I decided to look at which ones have the best program for my major. “
What would be your advice for anyone who’s younger and wants to go through the whole process?
“Just have fun throughout the whole process, it will be difficult at first but then once you rule out your options it will become easy.”
What are your expectations for college?
“Getting the chance to expand my education, meeting new friends, gaining new connections.”
What do you look forward to after college?
“I look forward to working at my new job with my BSN and traveling after college.”
Senior Danielle Williams
What was your college acceptance process like?
“I applied to a lot of out of state, too, in state. And through the process, a lot of the in state schools, they weren’t catering as much financially. So I did get a lot of merit base for my out of state schools, enough to cover the majority of tuition.”
What were your challenges
“I had to think about my values other than wanting to go to my dream school. I didn’t end up deciding to go to my dream school because I had to consider, like, my classroom values, things that I know I want to pursue other than just being at the school that is, like, visually and materialistically appealing. I had to think about all the things, like, where the student to teacher ratio or classroom sizes or opportunities and everything.”
How did you decide?
“I chose my college because I decided that I did want to continue my sport at the collegiate level, and I wanted to stay at a level that was comfortable for me. And then I also decided, because a smaller institution, it caters to me more financially, and I was able to be at school with my boyfriend and do things that we both love, I love, and also pursue my future career with the research opportunity.”
What are your expectations for college?
“I do think freshman year is going to be rocky because I like to be home, so I’m going to be homesick a lot. But I know it will be an opportunity for me to learn myself more and create some more independence and hopefully set a bar for myself that I just continue to grow on throughout my four years at this school.”
What do you look forward to after college?
“I think I’m going to go to graduate school. I haven’t decided that yet, but that’s too far away to decide. I may be furthering my education or i might look for a career in genetics.”
What would be your advice for anyone who’s younger and wants to go through the whole process?
“Do not count school’s out, apply everywhere especially because in the beginning there’s no application fees. So if you do that before November 1st, apply everywhere. Every school that you can think of, include every accolade you have. Apply for scholarships starting now, and don’t wait up. Always do something that’s going to help you move forward in your decision or your college readiness process.”
With the year coming to an end, it’s a sad feeling knowing that you’re reaching a new path in your life. To the class of 2024, congratulations on making it through even when you thought you couldn’t make it. I wish you all the best future life can give you, and I hope your journeys will lead you to fulfilled success.