Women’s history month is coming up in two weeks, beginning on March 1st and ending March 31st. However, women deserve to always be recognized.
The life of a woman is a never ending celebration. Women still face adversity, meaning that in later time we can have celebrations and victories. In 2023 you will still see many headlines with, ¨First woman to…¨ or ¨First woman awarded…¨. A victory is a victory in our books but it is astounding to see these headlines. The women in these headlining stories are undoubtedly deserving of their position and overall recognition.
A few days ago the 57th annual Super Bowl was held in Glendale, Arizona. A tradition done for 55 years before the Super Bowl kickoff known as the military flyover was done this year by a 7-woman crew for the first time in history.
This military flyover involves no aerobatics, demonstrations, or tricks. It is a straight formation done typically with aircrafts but on occasion done with helicopters. The mandatory altitude for any flyover is 1,000 feet. Since a flyover isn’t a demonstration of any sort it is seen as a form of training by those partaking. It is done honorably at the end of the national anthem at ¨home of the brave¨
Women were first allowed into aviation training in 1973. Eight women started training but only six earned their wings in 1974. Rosemary Mariner was the first woman of the six in total to pilot a U.S. Navy fighter. Currently, 15% of naval aviators are women.
This year´s flyover was done by seven intelligent and extremely resilient women. All carried different positions in a diamond formation led by Lt. Arielle Ash and Lt. Saree Moreno.
Lieutenant Arielle Ash, pilot, graduated from Wylie High School followed by Texas Tech University. The Texas native says,¨You can be the best person on a team, but the best leaders and team players are the ones who use their actions to speak for themselves.¨
Lieutenant Saree Moreno, weapon systems officer, studied at Academy of the Holy Names followed by the Naval Academy. Her Florida roots alongside her skills and values allowed for her lifelong success in the military. ¨The Navy is exactly what it claims to be, ´forged by the sea´.¨
Lieutenant Margaret Dente, pilot, graduated from North Salem High School then went on to the University of Southern California. This was Dente´s first flyover. Being a New York resident, she was surrounded by flying and many forms of aviation. Starting with a marine helicopter pilot grandfather to a flight attendant mom, and a civilian pilot dad.
Lieutenant Naomi Ngalle, weapon systems officer, graduated West Springfield High School and proceeded onto the Naval Academy. Ngalle is of a hispanic and black background. She is also a Virginia Resident. Her advice to young women following a career in aviation is, ¨we belong in this space.¨
Lieutenant Suzelle Thomas, pilot, got her education at Episcopal High School before attending the Naval Academy. Residing in Alabama, she was the first female naval aviator to be selected to fly the F-35C Lightning II Aircraft straight from flight school. ¨Every phase of training gets harder and harder but we´re all there for one goal: to protect our country and train everyday to be the best we can be.¨
Lieutenant Lydsay Evans, electronic warfare officer, graduated from the University of Southern California. Her Californian roots and current residence allowed for a deeper interest in aviation. ¨It’s huge that we´ve gotten to this point. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn´t for those women in 1973, kind of paving the way, essentially starting everything to make this happen.¨
Lieutenant Caitlin Perkowski, pilot, graduated La Cueva High School then went on to the Naval Academy and later Purdue University. Surrounded with aviation starting with a marine grandmother, a 1980 Naval Academy graduate dad later on pilot, and an air force mother. ¨I feel like my job matters, and that I can facilitate the American way of life throughout what I do everyday.¨
In summation, women are doing amazing things today. Constantly challenging the challenges that come upon them. The ¨First woman to…¨ and ¨First woman awarded…¨ headlines will continue but regardless they are due for celebration and recognition. Women come together to make updates, advancements, experiments, new development, etc. The success of a woman has no measure or time limit because a victory for us is a norm for everyone else. Celebrate women. Recognize women. Acknowledge women. Support women. Above all, respect women.